Press Release
In an Australian bicycle industry first, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), organisers of the Taipei Cycle Show, are bringing ‘The Future Seminars’ to the Melbourne Conference & Exhibition Centre next month; where industry leaders and academics from Taiwan and Australia, will present talks on the Smart Technologies driving the bicycle industries - from design to manufacturing, active transport and consumer product development.
The Future Seminars – Smart Technologies & The Taipei Cycle Show 2018
- Breakfast Seminars by bicycle industry leaders & academics from Taiwan & Australia, on the Smart Technologies driving the Future of bicycle product design and all that’s new at Taipei Cycle Show 2018
- 7.30 am to 10.30am, Thursday June 7th, 2018 – ‘The Clarendon Room’, Melbourne Conference & Exhibition Centre, South Wharf, Melbourne
- Presented by: TAITRA (the Taiwan External Trade Development Council) & Better Bike Business
- Official Event Partners: China Airlines, Taipei Cycle Show, The Bicycle Industry Association and Knog

The emergence of SMART (Self-Monitoring And Reporting Technology) Technologies, have dominated all aspects of consumer life, from our ‘smart’ phones, to the cars we drive, the devices we rely on for work, education and navigation, to the ‘smart houses’ and ‘smart cities’ we (will) live in. AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, Smart Energy, Inter-Facial Technologies, and the IoT (Internet of Things) more broadly, are central to the present and the future of the world we live in – and inevitably too, the bicycles, components and accessories we design, make, retail, buy or hire.
The Future of the bicycle and the bicycle industry is Smart.
The Future Seminars speakers include:
- Pr Bill Petreski - University of Melbourne / Strategy61 / Australia-Taiwan Business Council
- Dr Kuan-Jiuh Lin - National Chung-Hsing University / Interfacial Optical Electronics Lab (IOE)
- Peter Bourke – General Manager, Cycling Promotion Fund / Bicycle Industries Australia
- Hugo Davidson – CEO & Executive Director at Knog / Catalyst Design Group / Melbourne
- TBC – Representative from 2018 Taipei Cycle organising committee / Taipei Cycle / TAITRA
- More to come...
PLUS!! PRIZES, GIVEAWAYS & EXCLUSIVE OFFERS from our wonderful partners at China Airlines and Knog.
China Airlines are kindly giving away a return airfare ex Melbourne or Sydney, direct to Taipei to attend the 2018 Taipei Cycle Show – plus they will be announcing discounted flight offers for people attending Taipei Cycle later this year.
Knog are giving away 10 brand new Knog lights to some lucky attendees. How new? So new, they don’t even officially exist yet. So new, we’re embargoed from telling you anything about them yet. That new!
Breakfast bites and barista brewed coffee on offer from 6.30am.
Additional Context:
Taiwan used to be where Europeans, Americans and indeed Australians had their products made cheaply. As Taiwan, its economy, its capabilities and its people have progressed and evolved, it has more and more become the hub for high quality production, technology and R&D. It is therefore no fluke that, the world’s most important and influential bicycle factories, are mostly located or head quartered in and around Taichung, Taiwan.
Whilst most Australians have probably owned, a bicycle or bicycle product, made in Taiwan; just as many, if not more Australians have likely used or owned a computing or electronics device made in Taiwan. With 9 out of 10 laptops and notebooks sold in the world, made in Taiwan, they are a global leader in electronics manufacturing and in the R&D and commercialisation of the latest ‘Smart Technologies’.
This combination as trusted, one-stop sourcing point for both premium bicycle and electronic products, uniquely situates Taiwan firmly at the centre of the bicycle industry’s ‘Smart Technology’ driven Future; especially for a modern, active and wealthy market like Australia, where its consumers are as well known for being early adopters (and indeed, developers) of new technologies, as they are of modes of exercise or transport.
The Smart Future of the bicycle Industry is on display at Taipei Cycle this Oct 30th to Nov 3rd, 2018.
(Fact sheet on Taipei Cycle 2018 to be issued in subsequent release)
The Future Seminars will reveal what to expect at this year’s Taipei Cycle, plus the Smart Technologies driving the latest bicycle products and trends, now and into the Future.
The Organisers:
TAITRA – Taiwan External Trade Development Council
Founded in 1970, TAITRA is Taiwan's foremost non-profit trade promoting organization. Sponsored by the government and industry organizations, TAITRA assists enterprises to expand their global reach. Headquartered in Taipei, TAITRA has a team of 1,300 specialists and operates 5 local offices in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung as well as 61 branches worldwide. Together with Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) and Taiwan Trade Center (TTC), TAITRA has formed a global network dedicated to promoting world trade.

Better Bike Business
Better Bike Business was established in Melbourne in 2013, by experienced bicycle industry professional, Jonathon Nunan, to provide SME consultancy, strategy, assessment and business improvement to businesses and organisations working in, or with, the bicycle and bicycle related industries or markets. Jonathon, a 20 year veteran of the bicycle industry in both Australia and the UK, spanning retail and distribution, is a former elite level track rider, part time race commentator and regular expert contributor to several leading bicycle industry publications.
Better Bike Business
Jonathon Nunan
Australia’s Leading Bicycle Industry SME Consultant & Commentator
+61 419 586 161
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